The Writing Process, As Told by David Rose

Arguably the most iconic character this side of the 21st century, David Rose is a force of unstoppable sarcasm and sass. As writing is a roller coaster of emotions, eye rolls, and rare glimpses of vulnerability, we’ve cultivated 15 gifs full of David Rose energy that encapsulate the joys (and woes) of the writing process.
1) When you write something that’s honestly, truly, really good.
I’m obsessed with this.
2) When someone asks why you’re not writing.
I don’t like what you’re insinuating.
3) When you read the writing you did last night at 2 a.m. after three energy drinks.
Every inch of that sentence made me sick.
4) When you decide to query.
I’m feeling very apprehensive about the whole thing.
5) When someone tells you to only focus on one project.
6) When you try to network with other writers.
I love making connections.
7) When you expect/demand a book deal, movie deal, and to hit the bestseller list with every book you write.
Tell me how I’m being unreasonable.
8) The moment RIGHT after you send you a query.
I’m feeling this, like, deep aching sense of dread.
9) When you hastily “Accept Changes” to an editor’s advice because you think you understand what they’re saying.
I got it.
10) When you actually digest your editor’s advice and realize you have no idea what the feedback meant.
I don’t really know ’cause I wasn’t really listening.
11) When you get a 1-star review with no comments.
Thank you so much.
12) When you finish writing and know you have to start editing sooner or later.
I don’t want to, though.
13) When a scene goes completely off the rails and three characters end up dying that you didn’t plan for in your outline.
What just happened?
14) When someone points out an obvious mistake you were planning to fix.
You don’t think I know that?
15) You, when you realize just how much you love the rollercoaster that is writing.
*cute David Rose smile*
Written by Katarina Betterton
Katarina Betterton is an aspiring adult fiction author. She works for an editorial content agency and specializes in SEO outlining writing and editing. She's also a part of Scribbler's editorial team. When not reading or writing her hobbies include cooking learning new languages and crafting. Follow her writing journey at @iamgirlofwords on Instagram.
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