Quick and Dirty Tips for Writing a Great Story Opening
It’s almost impossible to overstate the importance of a great story opening for your book. An agent will decide whether or not to request more of your manuscript based on those first pages. Your friends and acquaintances will decide whether or not to finish it or put it down (and hope you don’t ask if they’ve read it). Strangers will carry your book to the literal or virtual checkout counter...

How to Read to Level Up Your Writing
AKA, how to learn to worldbuild, craft compelling plots, and basically write as well as your favorite author! How? Two words: Mentor Texts. First of all, what is a mentor text? Glad you asked! Often, when writers want to learn a new skill or level up in one they’ve already cultivated, they’ll turn to re-reading a mentor text, more specifically, a book they (or the New York Times or the Newberry Prize) really...

Walking the Ground: Tips For Researching Your Next Novel
Research. The word alone is like a strike of lightning for some writers, already dreaming of stone-faced castles in the Highlands or a handsome Scotsman riding through the glen (hello, Jamie Fraser). For these literary souls, the research phase deepens their storytelling. For others, the thought of fifty-seven open tabs on their browser is already too much to bear. Forget about trying to unearth which type of undergarments were typically...

Painting Memorable Scenes: Adding Effective Substance
A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog article discussing the foundation you need to lay for each of your novel’s scenes. This foundation includes knowing your scene’s purpose, keying into the characters’ motivations, and making sure the setting strikes the intended mood. But there’s a lot more to painting a memorable scene than simply constructing a solid foundation. With that in place, it’s time to start layering substance on top of...

Painting Memorable Scenes: Laying a Solid Foundation
When I started writing my first novel, I had no idea how to block my story into scenes or that I even needed to structure it that way. I had lots of ideas for disconnected “scenes” I wanted to include, but I viewed them like crucial events and not as true scenes with their own individual beginnings, middles, and ends. The end result was lackluster, sloppy, and indefinite. Without knowing...

How to Create Excellent Worldbuilding in Your Novel
First and foremost, thanks to all who submitted to our July Worldbuilding Contest! We enjoyed reading each and every piece. Due to popular demand, we are sharing the winning entry from Scribbler Katarina Betterton with our notes. We hope you enjoy this worldbuilding wisdom! We hope you enjoy! Here is Katarina’s fantastic worldbuilding piece with our interlinear commentary: “Red liquid pools into my twelfth vial as I crouch on the...

Creating Creatures 101
Welcome to your class on creating original fantastical creatures. Before we begin, it’s important to acknowledge that there’s no one correct method of world building. You may also have varying levels of reality in your new world. Or you may not be a fantasy writer at all. Not to worry, this creative writing exercise will still stretch your skills. As an ocean science educator, I am going to teach you...

6 Worldbuilding Questions You Haven't Heard
Worldbuilding is important because it’s what pulls your reader into the story, fully immersing them in the world. Without a well-crafted world, the story feels 2D. Just think about the concept of falling into a book page; worldbuilding is what makes the reader lose sense of their surroundings and starts a movie playing in their head. Every detail you give your world adds dimension to make the story feel more...