Fuel Your Writing Journey with Freewriting: Embrace the Messy First Draft
Adapted from Freewrite’s article: The Science Behind Freewriting. Read all the way to the end for a special offer for Scribbler fans! As writers, we often face the significant challenge of battling perfectionism and staying productive. Scribbler and Freewrite believe in the power of the messy first draft to unleash creativity, and here's why: 1. Ditching Perfectionism Perfectionism can stifle your creative process. The truth is that allowing yourself to write...

Rolling With the Punches: How to Deal with Rejection
I’ve never been less inclined to share my credentials, given the subject of this article, but I do believe it to be necessary at the outset, so here we go. I am an actor who’s been pressing at the walls of the entertainment industry, trying to find a door, a window, a crack–anything–for almost twenty years. I am a writer who started writing her first novel in 2009 and finished...

The Momma Writer
Whenever someone asks what I “do” for a living, it always takes me a second to reply. Do I roll with the simple “I’m a stay-at-home-mom” line? I mean it’s true, I do watch my daughter full time while my husband works and I wouldn’t trade that privilege for the world (tantrums, messes, and all). But being a SAHM isn’t the full story. The truth is, I’m also a writer,...

What's The Rush? 5 Reasons To Enjoy Writing As You Age
I’m getting tired of reading posts from so-called “aging” writers who are racing furiously against the tick-tocks of their inner clocks. I’ve had it with their self-imposed timelines based solely on the calendar, the number of birthday candles on their cakes. My favorite is the 29-year-old debut author who celebrates publishing her first novel before her 30th birthday—just in time! As an author approaching 70, I celebrate writers, agents, publishers,...

5 Ways To Avoid Querying Too Early
As a “serious” writer for only a few years, there’s much I still need to learn. I’m hoping to be traditionally published, which comes with its own suite of exciting and nerve-wracking challenges. Though I’ve only queried two books, I’ve learned several (painful) lessons about querying too early. Every writer’s path differs, but I’d like to share what I’ve learned in hopes it will help someone else. Below, I’m sharing...

Are There Writing Rules or Not?
A few years ago I joined a bunch of writing groups on Facebook. I wanted to see what writers were talking about—I wanted to understand what questions they were asking in hopes that I’d learn how to better help my clients and students. I jumped in here or there to offer support or weigh in when someone was asking for feedback. But it didn’t take long for me to start...

43 Ways to Ruin a Mystery Novel: Part 1 - Characters
You’ve probably read all the tips on how to construct a mesmerizing mystery, replete with intriguing characters, interesting storylines, and enough red herrings to tickle your sleuthing abilities in a complex whodunit. But we would like to share with you all the ways you can ruin a potentially riveting mystery, causing us to put down your book and ban you from our reading list forever. Create unlikeable protagonists (self-centered, immoral,...

The Writer's Closet
Hello. My name is RJ and I’m in the closet. The writer’s closet. Disclaimer: This is my first official writing credit. Woohoo! For perhaps the first time, I found a way to make my insecurities work for me by turning them into a pitch. And wouldn’t it be amazing if they worked for someone else too? If this article helps even one person come out of the writer’s closet I...